Zombicide: Green Horde is Here!

I came home today with a surprise on my stoop, a whole bunch of new Frostgrave figures!  ORC ZOMBIES!!! WOOHOO!!!

Okay, first things first: Cool Mini or Not is NOT messing around. This campaign wrapped just a couple of months back, and having the core box in hand this early was a bit of a treat. The main box looks great, nice and sturdy, too. Inside, there is another box with the real goodies tucked away…

The top tray has the hero figs, a trebuchet, the stat card holders, dice, pegs, and one of each zombie type with their Orcish Necromancer. The tray underneath? How about another 54 zombies? Hehehehe…

The heroes look great, too, with a lot of cool characters that will most likely find their way onto my Frostgrave table. That dwarf, for instance, doesn’t even know he was the missing piece in my dwarven warband. Speaking of Frostgrave…

ZOMBIES! Okay, I KNOW the board game is supposed to be cool as hell. I can’t wait to get in to it and play a few scenarios. I’ll even open up the components and do another post showing off the non-mini coolness that’s in the big box. But these zombies in Frostgrave? Oh, man. I cannot wait. Just having some different shufflers to put on the board makes me goofy in the goomba.

This is only the first wave, too. The next wave ships later in the year and has giants, more heroes, and more baddies. As Kickstarter campaigns go, this was a solid win.

4 thoughts on “Zombicide: Green Horde is Here!

  1. Just got mine too, super excited.
    I would love it if you did a post on some cruelty free paint brushes, I’m having a hard time finding some I like.


    1. That’s a seriously good idea for a post, Bryon! I will have to search around. I’ve tried a couple of synthetics, and they start out great then go to crap. Quickly. And that sucks, because my ancient kolinsky sable brushes are still practically perfect. I’ll do some research! Thanks!


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